Frontend Development

Web app frontend development has progressed significantly over the past few years. This is due to advances in browser technology, both on desktop and mobile devices. When developing for frontend, there are a wide range of technology choices which Wave can help you navigate successfully.

Frontend developers build the part of the website that users interact with. Traditionally, the technologies used for frontend development consisted of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Using these technologies frontend developers take the app design and code everything from fonts and colours, to drop down menus, transforming wireframes and visual designs into an interactive web app.

In more recent years, developers have also used frontend frameworks to build your web app. A framework is a series of open source code for standard elements of a web interface (eg. tables, buttons, toggle switches and date pickers). App developers can leverage and configure these frameworks to your needs. Wave has extensive experience using frontend frameworks such as Foundation, Bootstrap, React, Angular, Material UI and Materialize to deliver your app to market faster.

Frontend interfaces for websites are delivered via pieces of software called browsers (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge and Safari). These are developed and maintained by third party software providers. The design and functionality presented to users of your site is affected by the brand of browser you are running, the version of that browser and whether the browser is the desktop or mobile version.

Browsers are applications themselves, and they are constantly being updated to allow for new functionality. This can have an impact on the appearance and performance of your web app. To ensure your application remains as close to error free as possible, Wave provides app support services. Our app developers regularly run tests across the frontend of your site to assess and address the impact of any browser updates.

All Wave Digital’s app development is undertaken locally at our head office in Melbourne.

Our Web app development projects

The following projects highlight our web app frontend development experience:

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