Apps for Startups

We use our experience in design, branding, technology, growth and capital raising to guide Startup founders on their journey.


It’s simple – prototypes are a fast and inexpensive way to bring your app idea to life. They help you to refine your vision, explore the user experience and test your product idea. Our app prototypes are the culmination of a streamlined strategy and design process that focuses on the essential parts of the product for an MVP. Wave Digital’s app designers use the latest prototyping software which support a wide range of user interactions. The outcome – a high fidelity app prototype that provides a hands on experience of your digital product for anyone you choose to share it with.

Logo, icon and style guide design

Our local Melbourne app designers work with you to reveal the heart of your brand. What does your product stand for, what is at its core and who will it connect with? Following a collaborative process of concept development and informed by our brand research, we will present you with a range of logo designs, colour palettes, iconography, fonts and imagery. We then work with you to refine these based on your vision. The outcome – a distinctive brand for your product encompassing logo, app icon and style guide. In other words, a design framework for the future.

Marketing and commercialisation

At Wave Digital, we don’t just provide advice on how to build an app. We give you commercial advice on how to effectively create and sell a digital product. With experience in capital raising and digital product creation, we offer guidance on your road to market, how to navigate the Startup ecosystem and investor options. We also offer a range of professionally designed collateral to help you sell your idea to customers and investors. The outcome – from a slick landing page and social media starter kit through to a branded investor pack, you will be ready to build awareness, excitement and interest for your product.

App design, development and support

Wave Digital is a full end-to-end app development company. We offer a suite of services from strategy, branding, user experience and visual design through to app development, hosting and infrastructure support. We use local resources for every service we offer, not just design. That means Melbourne app developers in your time zone. We specialise in React Native, web apps and native iOS and Android development. Our process is clear and our communication is upfront, timely and easy to understand. The outcome – a high quality digital product with reliable technology, seamless user experience and flawless design.


Our Startup clients value our honest and informed advice, the quality of our work and our commitment in bringing their idea to life in the most engaging way possible.


Since 2000, Wave Digital has played an active role within Melbourne and Australia's Startup community. From prototypes, technical proof-of-concepts through to mobile and web apps, we have experience in delivering tailored solutions for Startup founders.

Book a FREE 30 minute consultation

Talk to our Managing Director about what’s involved to get your Startup off the ground along with tailored advice on your app design, development and commercialisation options.

App Prototype Process

The first step in the app prototyping process is getting to know your audience and defining the problem and pain points. Once this is established, we then work with you to prioritise the core features of your app for prototyping. Our app designer will come up with brand concepts and sketch out some ideas for navigation and user flows. Following your feedback, we produce wireframes which show you how the app will function. The style guide is then applied to the wireframes to create visual designs. It is at this point you can start to see how your app will look. Once the visual designs have been finalised, these are ‘linked’ together using prototyping software. The final step – download the prototype on your mobile and click through.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to create a prototype?

Creating an app prototype can take anywhere between 3 weeks to a few months. The length of the process is generally influenced by two things. The first is the client’s availability to collaborate during the design process. Our app designers rely on feedback to ensure concepts are in line with the client’s vision. At Wave, we understand that most Startup founders are juggling multiple commitments and adjust the timing of our processes to fit in with their availability. The other factor is the number of design iterations that have been included in the project.

How much does it cost to build an app?

A quality mobile app built in Australia will cost between $50,000-$250,000+. A Startup looking to develop an app with a basic feature set for an MVP is likely to cost between $50,000-$100,000. Businesses wanting to digitise internal processes or integrate with other systems should expect to pay $100,000-$250,000 for an app.

There are six factors that will influence the cost of building an app. These are:

  1. the number of platforms
  2. the number of screens
  3. the app design
  4. security requirements
  5. backend development requirements
  6. complexity of the features

You can find more information on our blog post – “How much does it cost to build an app.”

What's the secret to ensuring a successful app in the long term?

With users abandoning most new apps after the first or second use*, we wrote this article to help those with brilliant app ideas understand what needs to be done to lay the foundations for a successful app.

* Statistics found within the linked article

Can you help me with funding?

Wave Digital’s Managing Director, Guy Cooper, has extensive experience in capital raising. He can guide you on the options available and steps involved and suggest organisations or individuals you could approach.

Got an app idea?

Whether you're a Startup or Business, we'd love to hear from you.

Send us an email, pay us a visit or simply send us a few details. We’re here to answer your questions →

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