Clutch ranks Wave Digital in Top 5 App Developers in Melbourne

Clutch ranks Wave Digital in Top 5 App Developers in Melbourne

We were thrilled to be ranked in the top 5 app developers based in Melbourne in Clutch's 2018 Annual Industry Report. Clutch is a well-respected B2B research, ratings and reviews platform located in Washington, DC. They provide in-depth client reviews, data-driven content and vetted market leaders.

How did we make it onto the top app developer list?

Clutch created their top app developer list by looking at a range of factors. These included services offered, client feedback, work quality, and market presence. As newbies to Clutch, we were very happy to make it into their top 10 app developers – a testament to the quality of our app design and development services.

How do we compare?

We are the most experienced of the app developers listed. Wave Digital was founded in 2000. We were leaders then in mobile app development and cloud infrastructure, and continue to be at the forefront, reflected by our Clutch listing. Interestingly, we are also one of the few top 15 companies to undertake all of their design and development locally in Melbourne, Australia.

See here for Wave Digital's Clutch profile. You can also find our listing on Design Rush.

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