Wave Digital is delighted to have just delivered the new suite of VicTraffic apps for VicRoads shortly after midnight last night.
What you’ll notice:
Web application:
New URL: traffic.vicroads.vic.gov.au
The new VicTraffic web application now consolidates data from a range of applications that were previously located at:
The consolidated web app allows users customise the sources of traffic they see through the Settings function. Users can now choose to see Events, Road Closures, Tow Allocations etc. Users can also see any combination of the above.
The web application now shows how heavy traffic is on the main Victorian roads, with colours ranging from red-black (very heavy) to green (light).
Travel times on major motorways are now included, and are broken down by freeway segments.
The updated site has been developed using the principles of responsive web design, so mobile users are afforded the same functionality as desktop users.
iOS Application:
The updated iPhone app was also launched from the iTunes store overnight. VicRoads and Wave Digital took on board the feedback from the previous version during the iPhone app development.
iPhone app users can now customise their traffic data sources, the accuracy of travel times has been greatly improved, and they can now see how heavy traffic is on their chosen routes.
Android Application:
Wave Digital also completed the Android app development and is delighted to offer Android users their first VicRoads traffic app. This feature-full app has all the functionality of the iPhone app, including camera lists at selected areas so you can physically view the traffic before you embark on your journey.
To celebrate this momentous achievement, we wrote some more code 🙂
Need a suite of apps - want to see how it's done? Contact us for more info.